Stories from the Studio

About the Main Ingredient in our Furniture Line: Domestic Hardwoods
Many ingredients need to be just right to create high-quality wooden furniture. What makes timber high quality, and where do we get it? First let's talk about a couple of values before meeting one of our SF Bay Area main suppliers: Moore Newton.

Two-Toned SIMPLE in Mango
We've created a special batch of Mango stools for West Coast Craft their summer 2023 show. These two-tone stools have lots of movement and color ranging from persimmon to yellow....

Sourcing & Using Our First Monterey Cypress Slabs
After moving to Santa Cruz from Hawai‘i, it took us a few good months to lock into our space here in Watsonville. So we took advantage of the “idle” time between shopping for commercial leases to be as ready for a move-in as we could be. That meant finding...